Russia, 196084, St-Petersburg,
Zaozernaya str,1; P.O.Box 455.
Phone: (812) 316-83-77
Fax: (812) 252-60-00
Scientific-Production Association TOOP "LENKOR" is the
leading sceientific-research and design organization of country in the field of working
out and designing secondary processes of oil refining including such largcapacity
processes as reforming, hydrocracking and catalytic cracking, oxonation, isoprene
synthesis and so on. Simultaneously with working out the technology of oil refining and
petrochemical processes, the Association, by means of a number of specialized
subdivisions, carries out extensive research works and solves engineering problems of
materials for process equipment and pipelines reliability increasing and safety of
operation at the enterprises of the branch, and metal corrosion protection. Since 1976,
TOOP "LENKOR" (NPO "Lenneftekhim") has been performing the duties of
the head organization concerning the questions of giving the conclusions about rightness
of application of structural materials and methods of corrosion protection of equipment
and communications at the enterprises of the branch, working out the methodic instructions
on corrosion investigations and coordination of works in this field.
At present, the Association has unique automated complex of the high-pressure units
allowing to study the effect of aggresive qaseous and liquid media on materials in a wide
range of temperatures and pressures. Specialized material science subdivisions are
equipped with a modern highly effective instrument technics and staffed with highly
skilled material scientists, engineer-mechanics and corrosion engineers.
The basic directions of works of the specialized subdivisions of TOOP
"LENKOR" are the investigations in the field of reliability and durability of
metal structures and apparatuses operated in aggressive media, working out the complex
measures for metal protection through all the chain of technological processes at
refineries, creation of new corrosion inhibitors and devices of corrosion protection.
Particularly great attention is paid to the works on survey and determination
of efficiency resources of the equipment operating in hydrogen-containing media of
heightened parameters, extension of terms of sale operation of equipment and pipelines,
and working out the complex anticorrosive measures for decreasing of corrosion rate and
extension of terms of unit operation between repairs. TOOP "LENKOR" has a
license of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia ( State Municipal Technical Supervision Committee )
to carry out the works stated above, at the enterprises of chemical, oil refining,
petrochemical and gas industries and in other branches of industry. The experience
accumulated by the Association in the field of estimation of serviceability of industrial
equipment allows to provide its reliable and safe operation.
Application of corrosion inhibitors worked out in TOOP "LENKOR"
allows to increase significantly service life of various types of equipment and metal
If necessary, TOOP "LENKOR" performs scientific-research and design
works and those connected with enlisting the specialized organizations dealing with
"turn-key" manufacture of the new equipment for the purpose of substitution of
the disabled equipment, furnace coils and pipelines.
The procedure essence: A tendency to intercrystallite corrosion
of operating facilities is determined with a portable automated complex usign the
electrochemical method of potentiodynamic reactivation.
Investigation objects: Equipment of operating facilities made
of austenitic stainless steels.
- non-destructive proximate estimation of process equipment metal tendency to
intercrystallite corrosion;
- quantitative estimation of metal tendency to intercrystallite corrosion;
- portability and small weight of the complex allowing carrying from place without
using means of transportation;
- power supply independence of the complexe;
- corrosion measurement automatization excluding subjective factor influence;
TOOP '' LENKOR " offers:
- carrying out determination of tendency to intercrystallite corrosion of metal of
any operating equipment;
- supplying of portable automated comlexes for determination of metal tendecy to
intercrystallite corrosion;
- training of users to the procedure of operating equipment metal tendency to
intercrystallite corrosion estimation.
Scientific-Production association TOOP "LENKOR"
has the original equipment and techniques for studying the influence of hydrogen on
materials and structures. The complex of automated units allows to test materials in
gaseous media ( technical or particularly pure hydrogen, argon and other gases ) at
pressure up to 200 MPa and temperatures up to 1100C. The experimental base allows to carry
out the full-scale tests of model and real structures under hydrogen pressure up to 200
MPa. The analysis of the corrosion influence of gases on materials in accomplished by
means of the modern physical methods.
The following types of scientific-technical works are carried out:
- study of gas saturation kinetics and evolution of dissolved gases from metals and
- study of hydrogen permeability of metals on tubular and membrane samples with the help
of chromatography and mass-spectrometry;
- determination of the influence of gas saturation on strengths, impact bending and
crack resistance;
- determination of long-term strength of metals in gases;
- study of metal surfaces with the help of electronic and Auger spectroscopy, optical and
raster electronic microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis;
- determination of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and carbon contents by means of the
express-analysis instruments;
- recomendations on the material design of technological petrochemical and petroleum
refining processes;
- carrying out the inspection of condition of the operating equipment metal by the methods
of transfer metallography, ultrasonic defectoscopy and infrered thermometry.
During 25 years our laboratory has been successfully performing the orders
of enterprises. Our clients are more than 100 plants of petroleum refining,
petrochemical, power, aircraft / spacecraft and other industrial branches in Russian
counries of C.I.S. and in far abroad.