Server of information and marketing company RSoft,Ltd. Business information. Sevises - marketing reports, reviews. Information reports
about firms, banks, companies. Statistics of foreign economic activities. Company
profiles. About Moneyline Telerate (Datarate). Art-gallery. Music club. Enterprises cards.
Data bases in Russian.
The business information server of the company RSoft, Ltd.
On our server you can : find business information on companies, markets, legislation; get business electronic directories, books, catalogues; learn about economical and other news in Russia; look through the representations of our partners. Key word - Information business; Marketing researches and information on companies; Business information report; Business information systems: licensed programmes, business electronic directories, catalogues, books; Investment projects of the companies; Investment projects of the companies; Information on the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation; Audit, presentation of legal persons and companies in disputes in the sphere of business, economy and finances.